

“A lifetime devoted to creativity is nothing but a scavenger hunt – where each successive clue is another tiny hit of curiosity. Pick each one up, unfold it, see where it leads you next. Small steps.” Elizabeth Gilbert

This was posted by Robyn Gordon on Facebook. If you haven’t gone to her page yet, give yourself a treat and find her. She posts wonderful quotes on art and creativity accompanied by artists’ work from around the world that seems to speak to that quote. 

My scavenger hunt has been in full swing for the past few months. I’ve been learning to dye with plants. I love it! It feels so close to the earth. The colors are softer and remind me of the garden. It’s fun doing the tests and it reminds me of the years I spent doing glaze tests. It seems to satisfy that left side of my brain.


I’ve also been experimenting with clay again. A friend gave me a little batch of porcelain paper clay which I mixed with stains and hope to begin adding these little pebbles in some way

All of this experimentation has led to a period of flourish. And that is how life goes. Steady, boredom, curiosity, change, some frustration, and if we are lucky, flourish again.


ethereal and other ideas

